Community Media Access Form

Dear Parents and Carers

Media plays a significate part in our lives today. Social media is a powerful medium for the school to share information with the wider community. It is a medium that raises awareness of programs, promotes students achievements and assists the school to celebrate our successes and to showcase the school.

The school will access media coverage through a variety of areas. Can you please complete the following consent form.



Carolyn Edwards



  Use of Student's Individual Photograph Use of Student's Group Photograph Use of Work by Student Publishing Student's First Name Publishing Student's Surname
School Newsletter Paper/Web Based
School Yearbook
School/ Department Website
Public TV/ Newspaper
Public/Department Audio/Visual Displays
School Newsletter-Web based
Write your signature above the line

This consent is valid for the term of your child’s enrolment at Zuccoli Primary School. This permission can be withdrawn at any time by contacting the Principal in writing.